Thursday 13 August 2015

A drunk on the train tracks - 2009/10 [Europe Region]

This is a recollection of a dream that I had in 2009/2010. I was living in Queensland, Australia.

In this dream, I was standing on the train tracks, with this man, he looked a bit rough. I was screaming at him that an oncoming train was coming & he needed to get off the tracks immediately. No matter how hard I screamed & yelled, he wasn't listening & just ignored me. I saw 2 men on the platform coming towards us & they were also trying to get his attention & warn him of the train that was heading his way, they offered him his hand but he ignored them as well. I heard the train coming & I was crying as I continued to try warn him that he needed to get back up on the platform, the train is going to hit him. As the train came closer, I woke up. I was shaking from being afraid & upset that I was about to see someone get run over by a train. I couldn't go back to sleep. That morning, I explained to my mom what I had dreamt about & was so afraid about. She said: "Watch the news, if it isn't happening here, it's happening somewhere else."

So later that evening, I turned on the t.v to the 5pm news & there you have it, somewhere in another country, half way around the globe from where I am, was a drunk man on the train tracks, ignoring the ones who are telling him to get off the tracks. Thankfully, just before the train arrived, he was saved by 2 officers.

Dream: Man on train tracks, 2 men coming to help, Man ignored my warnings & didn't seem to care. 

Report: Man on train tracks, 2 men come to aid him. Ignored all warnings because he was drunk.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Seeing her after she had passed - 2012 [Visitation Dream]

A recollection of a dream from April 2012. An encounter with someone who had passed. I am writing this 3 years from when I had this dream and I can still remember everything clearly.

My aunt passed away on March 28th 2012. Before she had left this Earth, she checked her program for her family service/funeral etc. We sung her the songs that will be sung on her day & she appointed each of us to a calling. Then on the night of March 28th, she passed away.

Days after her passing as we were preparing her last day, there were family issues between both families which resulted in a feud as the program that she had set out & approved of, was suddenly changed. This caused such heartache to her remaining sisters & those she confided in. Then we were sitting in our lounge room & two beautiful butterflies that we've never seen before, flow past our window making it visible for us to see them. They were chasing each other. It brought smiles to our faces & lightened up our hearts. Though there were things going on but as we promised her, we were still going to give her the day she deserves, so we pushed those feelings aside & continued. Though our hearts were saddened, her day turned out great (people still talk about it to this day) We gave her a funeral that was fit for a queen.

A day or two later, I was in my bedroom & I fell into a deep sleep. My brother said to me that he tried to wake me up to go with him & mom for a drive but I wouldn't wake up. In this dream, I was outside at the car park when the hearse pulled up with my aunt's coffin inside. As the boys (pall bearers) were bringing her casket out of the car, I looked and saw my aunt sitting up from her coffin. I walked towards her and said: "Aunty, Aunty!" and she looked and smiled. I then followed the pall bearers all the way up to the chapel. As we were walking her coffin into the chapel, we pass a hallway which was full of church members on both sides that we knew and who knew her. As they wheeled her through, she was looking around smiling at everyone & when I looked at her, she was smiling and had one hand on top of someone else's hand walking beside her. I looked at up to see who she was smiling at & it was her son Paul (who died in 2003) As they almost get to the chapel, I looked back to see her and she was gone. I ran and started searching for her in the foyer & then I see her, running around happily, dancing freely. I asked her if she wanted to see my mom, she looked at me, smiled, gave me a kiss on the cheek & ran back. I followed her & said: "No, aunty, where are you going?" with tears in my eyes because in my heart I knew where she was going and by the time I caught up, she was back lying down in her coffin. Once she went back into her coffin. I woke up.

I took this dream as a way of her coming to me in spirit to say that she's happy where she is, that she's with her son Paul & that she is proud of how we did her final days regardless of what was happening. She came to say thank you & the butterflies we saw that I mentioned above, was her and nanna coming to share a little laughter & to make us smile even though we were upset with the drama that was happening at the time.