Thursday 7 January 2016

Terrorist Attack - Paris Attack [France] November 13th 2015

This is a recollection of a dream that took place the night before the actual event. It was a public shooting. 2 dreams, 2 different nights.

In this dream,
I was in a public place with my son & my mom. We were heading to the car, just about to leave when I spot a gunman coming out of an alley way & shooting around. Everyone was running for cover, looking for a place to go and hide. I quickly got my son & mom into the car and sped off. I was followed. I ended up being at home with my brother & his girlfriend and my son. My mom drove to go get my dad and then come home. Somehow, I ended up having to hide as we tried to fight off our attackers who ended up shooting my brother & his girlfriend. He found my son & I and told me to put my head down. I cradled my son, crying and said a prayer as I knew, this was it. I heard him pull the trigger & felt the gun shot to my head.

I woke up. In agony. My head actually felt that bullet. I had a really sore head. I couldn't sleep as I was terrified at what I just witnessed. I quickly looked over and saw my son & just hugged him tightly & then I fell asleep again. Then woke up at 6am.

I had an ultrasound to attend that morning, so I had a shower, got ready and off we went. The whole entire time, something didn't sit well with me. I knew something was wrong & was about to happen. On our way to the ultrasound, I bursted into tears as I told my mother of what I had dreamt & she said: "Maybe, somethings going to happen or already has." But the whole entire day, I was unsettled.

That night, I dreamt again..
I was with my best friend, in-between crossfire between terrorist & police. We were on the streets, we just returned from a night out heading home. We hid behind grass and buildings as we watched in horror of the horrific events happening before us. We ran from one building to the next to escape the side the terrorists were on. Suddenly. I woke up again. It was early morning, 6am.

I checked my Facebook & saw that Paris was under attack. I quickly ran and turned the tv on & sat there in tears as I watch it all unfold. It never is an easy thing to dream horrific events, never easy also to know you can't do much about it.

Dream: Public shooting (1st Dream)

Report: Cafe shooting/ Concert shooting - all different areas in France

Dream: Crossfire between terrorist & police (2nd dream)

Report: Shooting between terrorists & police/Concert shooting