Saturday 14 June 2014

A murder of an innocent little girl - Sofia [Western Australia] 2006

As I write this, I am recollecting a dream that I had in 2006. I was only 15 years old. I lived in Queensland. This dream came to me in 2 parts. So I dreamt part of it 1 night & the rest, the next night. Before I go into details, I was only a teenager at the time with no knowledge of what precognition was. This dream took place 2 weeks, before the actual event happened. 

Part 1: First Night -

I remember this clear as day, I came home from school, did chores, played at the park, ate dinner, showered & got ready to sleep. Now we're going into my dream.....

In this dream, I was at the basketball court at my high school with a bunch of friends. It was late afternoon/evening. We were just hanging out. I noticed my friend, he was a boy - walk off to the other side of the court, he was fixated on something. Suddenly, I was looking through the boys eyes seeing what he was seeing. He picked up a doll which looked awfully familiar. I remember feeling how distraught he was as he stared at this doll. It resembled his sister. Now, I'm back to own body & I walked away from my group of friends & walked towards him. I knelt down beside and said: "Hey what is that?" He never said a word. I looked at it & said: "Wait, that looks like your sister!" I was freaked out & I said to him: "Come, we have to show the others, lets go!" And he refused. He got mad. He never wanted to leave his sister, let alone let anyone see her like this. I couldn't understand why he was so attached to this doll. That was all I can remember about that, the rest wasn't so clear.

Part 2: Second Night -

The next night, I dreamt something which clearly carried on from what I had dreamed the night before.

In this dream, After leaving my friends that night including that boy with the doll. It ended up being the next day. It was a sunny afternoon & for some unknown reason, I found myself walking with my mom and my brother through a random street. I remember seeing my brother run to a ute parked in the drive way of a house with a tarpaulin covered over the back. I called out to him & he just took the tarpaulin off and discovered body parts there. He quickly, called me over & we all saw it. Next thing I know I can hear a faint scream of a girl/woman coming from the house. I told my mom & brother about it & we head towards the front door. The door was opened & we walked in & we can still hear the faint cry for help, it sounded like it was in the basement or her mouth was taped or something. As we walked in, we noticed pictures of young girls on the floor. All of a sudden the cry for helped stopped & my brother accidentally knocked something over & we all ran as we heard the man coming.

I woke up in tears of seeing such a horrific things and was too afraid to go to sleep. I had told my mom that morning of this dream and what I saw. To me, because this was my first ever encounter with something as realistic as this, I never gave it much thought. I tried to make sense of these dreams but I couldn't. Until, 2 weeks later - I turned the television on to hear of a young girl named Sofia who was murdered in the public toilets after being raped. After hearing the reports, I pieced together my dream and it made perfect sense.

Dream: A young boy finds a doll which resembles his sister. Is upset by the way it looks. Doesn't want anyone to touch it & he didn't want to leave her behind. (1st night's dream)

Report: A young boy finds his sister murdered & naked on the bathroom floor of the disabled toilets. He came to find her & knocked on the disabled toilets but it was engaged. Came later to find the disabled toilets open with the body of his sister on the floor. He stayed with her & he carried her out.

Dream: The body parts in the ute, the young girls pictures on the floor - indicates that he's done it before. (2nd night's dream)

Report: Police raided his house where they found young girls pictures & addresses. And have reports saying the offender attacked other girls since 2003.

Dream: The girl/woman distinctive scream for help which sounded like it was in a basement or her mouth was covered (2nd night's dream) The moment the voice deteriorated and stopped, she had died.

Report: Sofia was raped in the disabled toilet, she was strangled as she cried for help. Not long after, she had died.

A link to her story:

This tragedy took place in Western Australia, June 26, 2006.

Personal note: 
Though I wish there was more I could do to locate the place & time ahead of the actual event, there are some things that we can't help stop, no matter how hard we try. 

Rest in love Sofia Rodriguez Urrutia-Shu. You never deserved to leave this way. Fly high angel xox 

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