Friday 12 August 2016

Saved from what could've been the worst.

This is written based on actual events.

It was 2009. I was 19. I had finished work that afternoon & was at home scrapbooking. I wanted to buy more things & thought it would be great to walk to the closest store which was down the road. It's about a 30 minute walk, depending on your pace. So I walked, the weather was perfect, not too hot yet not too cold either. I arrived, got what I needed but then was starting to feel hungry. There was a take-away store, one store over so I ordered some chips with gravy. I sat down to eat & noticed a guy (in his late 20's) looking at me while pacing up & down infront of me, talking on the phone. He had a strong accent & was talking in an arabic language. In the amount of time I sat there, I studied this guy. The way he looked at me, how he walked, his tone of voice, where to go if things were to happen. I then heard a voice telling me to get up, grab my things & start heading home. There wasn't anyone near me or behind me but it felt like I was prompted to get out of there immediately. Without hesitation, I started to pack my food & things & then I saw him sit down at the table across from mine, facing me. I quickly got up & started to walk. He saw me & quickly got up & stood infront of me, blocking me from walking away from him. He asked me: "Where are you going?" I said: "I've got to go, my brother is waiting for me." (I stated that so he knew that a guy was waiting for my return) He continued to ask me questions but I avoided eye contact & started searching for a place to run to & my next move if things got out of hand. He asked if I had a boyfriend? I lied & said I did. He asked for my number & I politely declined giving it out, trying not to come off rude as I don't know how dangerous this person could be. He was still blocking my way & as I was still trying to make my way out, I prayed & asked God to watch over me in the situation & help me get out of harms way. I looked at this man & was able to move past him & started walking away as fast as I can.
As I walked, I kept looking behind me to make sure I wasn't followed.

I made it home safely.

I thanked God above for delivering me out of a situation which could've been something bad if I never listened to that voice that told me to get out of there straight away. This is why it's important to listen carefully to the promptings/warnings or even your instincts. Most importantly. Pray.

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