Tuesday 1 November 2016

A visit from my papa [Deceased]

When I was overseas in September 2016. I fell ill. It was to do with my bladder. But this came at a time where I couldn't afford to be sick because in 2 days, I was getting MARRIED! Prior to this, some money that we sent from overseas didn't make it to where we were, so we were stuck trying to find this money knowing that the things we had to fulfill relied on this fund (it wasn't just a couple hundreds, we're talking thousands) & we all had caught the flu on top of that also. But going back to the story.... I ended up in hospital. The pain was severe, it crippled me & because the hotel I was staying at was opposite the hospital, it seemed like a good idea at the time. I called my mom and told her where I was going & what was happening. She then called me back an hour later (I was still waiting at the hospital to be seen) and immediately told me get out of there because since I told her I was at the hospital, she couldn't rest. It was as if something urged her to call me and tell me to come to her. Without hesitation, I left. I had told my husband that we have to go to my mom. There were no questions about it, I knew I had to obey. So I had got there & she massaged my tummy. I started to feel better but still struggled to sleep because I could still feel the pain a little but I closed my eyes, and whispered "Papa" and then fell straight to sleep. And then I dreamt.

In this dream, I was in a white room. Well it wasn't technically a room because there were no walls or doors. Just plain white. I was trying to figure out where I was but I guess I wasn't meant to know. I walked towards a man who was sitting. It was just him & I. No one else was around. He was dressed in creamy colour slacks (pants) and a bright pink buttoned up shirt (kind of like he was dressed for a special occasion) His hair was white. He walked towards me with a limp. I knew instantly who he was. It was my papa. My grandpa. My mom's dad who passed away in 1992. The man I never got to meet at all. I could see the resemblance between him & my mom. He smiled as he walked towards me. No words were spoken. He just hugged me tightly. After that hug, I started to feel better. I was full of joy. There wasn't any worry or pain. I knew I was okay & things were going to be alright. I looked up and called for Aunty Lote & she appeared dressed in the clothes, she wore to the last wedding she attended (her son's wedding) and her arm placed on top of my arm. After that, I woke up. I woke up with my mom beside me. I had tears in my eyes as I told her about what I saw. I described my papa & what he wore (keep in mind, I've never met him before, he passed when I was only 1. I only know his name) And as I described the clothes he was wearing, she confirmed that he owned those clothes right down to the same colours that I saw. She had tears in her eyes because in her heart, she too can feel his presence & was overjoyed that he came to me to reassure me that everything is okay. He is buried right at the back of my aunt's house that we were staying at. So after this visitation, I was at peace. I wasn't feeling as worried and sick as I did before. Infact I woke up, totally a different person that I was when I came there that night. I couldn't stop smiling. I was walking around like I wasn't ever sick at all. I guess he came to me because I called for him when I needed him. He knew I was going through so much and that his grand daughter was about to be married. It was as if he & my aunt (his daughter) were dressed for a special occasion & then it hit me - they were dressed for my wedding that was taking place 2 days later. And on that day of the wedding, I was absolutely glad that I had a small private wedding because I could feel so much love from both families here & those who have passed who joined us in spirit.

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