Tuesday 1 November 2016

A visit from my papa [Deceased]

When I was overseas in September 2016. I fell ill. It was to do with my bladder. But this came at a time where I couldn't afford to be sick because in 2 days, I was getting MARRIED! Prior to this, some money that we sent from overseas didn't make it to where we were, so we were stuck trying to find this money knowing that the things we had to fulfill relied on this fund (it wasn't just a couple hundreds, we're talking thousands) & we all had caught the flu on top of that also. But going back to the story.... I ended up in hospital. The pain was severe, it crippled me & because the hotel I was staying at was opposite the hospital, it seemed like a good idea at the time. I called my mom and told her where I was going & what was happening. She then called me back an hour later (I was still waiting at the hospital to be seen) and immediately told me get out of there because since I told her I was at the hospital, she couldn't rest. It was as if something urged her to call me and tell me to come to her. Without hesitation, I left. I had told my husband that we have to go to my mom. There were no questions about it, I knew I had to obey. So I had got there & she massaged my tummy. I started to feel better but still struggled to sleep because I could still feel the pain a little but I closed my eyes, and whispered "Papa" and then fell straight to sleep. And then I dreamt.

In this dream, I was in a white room. Well it wasn't technically a room because there were no walls or doors. Just plain white. I was trying to figure out where I was but I guess I wasn't meant to know. I walked towards a man who was sitting. It was just him & I. No one else was around. He was dressed in creamy colour slacks (pants) and a bright pink buttoned up shirt (kind of like he was dressed for a special occasion) His hair was white. He walked towards me with a limp. I knew instantly who he was. It was my papa. My grandpa. My mom's dad who passed away in 1992. The man I never got to meet at all. I could see the resemblance between him & my mom. He smiled as he walked towards me. No words were spoken. He just hugged me tightly. After that hug, I started to feel better. I was full of joy. There wasn't any worry or pain. I knew I was okay & things were going to be alright. I looked up and called for Aunty Lote & she appeared dressed in the clothes, she wore to the last wedding she attended (her son's wedding) and her arm placed on top of my arm. After that, I woke up. I woke up with my mom beside me. I had tears in my eyes as I told her about what I saw. I described my papa & what he wore (keep in mind, I've never met him before, he passed when I was only 1. I only know his name) And as I described the clothes he was wearing, she confirmed that he owned those clothes right down to the same colours that I saw. She had tears in her eyes because in her heart, she too can feel his presence & was overjoyed that he came to me to reassure me that everything is okay. He is buried right at the back of my aunt's house that we were staying at. So after this visitation, I was at peace. I wasn't feeling as worried and sick as I did before. Infact I woke up, totally a different person that I was when I came there that night. I couldn't stop smiling. I was walking around like I wasn't ever sick at all. I guess he came to me because I called for him when I needed him. He knew I was going through so much and that his grand daughter was about to be married. It was as if he & my aunt (his daughter) were dressed for a special occasion & then it hit me - they were dressed for my wedding that was taking place 2 days later. And on that day of the wedding, I was absolutely glad that I had a small private wedding because I could feel so much love from both families here & those who have passed who joined us in spirit.

Friday 28 October 2016

Water ride at a Theme park gone wrong - Dreamworld, Australia October 25, 2016

I left for a trip to Samoa on September 03rd. But weeks before I left I dreamt the same thing twice & each time, I have woken up scared & if I tell you why, you'll see.

I was dreaming that, I had taken my son to a theme park. We were walking together, I had gone to get something for him & when I looked back, a water ride has gone terribly wrong & people have drowned including my son (they were pinned down and trapped). I remember seeing his lifeless body. I tried my hardest to wake up & when I did, the first thing I went to do was check on my son. He was sleeping peacefully but I was literally shaking and hugging him tightly & was kissing him and repeatedly said: "I love you son." I didn't want to go back to sleep because I wasn't sure whether I was going to sleep peacefully or go back to that dream.

I woke up & told my mom of how horrible this dream was & because we were going overseas, we were both aware that we should be extremely careful where Ayrai goes because no doubt this kid loves water.

The following week, I had the same exact dream. My son and I at the theme park & again seeing this water ride go wrong and people drown and are trapped under water (1 being my son) I woke up again in tears, scared & horrified at what I had seen for the 2nd time round. I couldn't figure out why I had dreamt this but yet took it as a warning to be aware of where my son is & to keep eyes on him at all times.


On October 25th in Brisbane, Australia.
A tragedy that made headlines around the world.
4 people were killed on the Thunder Rapids Water Ride at Dreamworld Theme park at the Gold Coast. The ride over turned which resulted in passengers being trapped underwater & some stuck in the conveyor belt.

Dream: Water ride tragedy at a theme park.

Real: Thunder Rapids Water Ride at Dream World Theme park

Dream: Passengers were trapped & were drowning

Real: Passengers were trapped & drowned

Seeing these events unfold on Television made me even more sad. Not only have I seen it twice but now 3 times. Even though it wasn't my son affected but the people that have drowned are somebody else's children/mother/sibling or family member. It was someone close to someone. It isn't easy dreaming things like these, sometimes I still try to make sense of why I do dream this but I guess that's for me to figure out. Rest in love to those 4 people who lost their lives that day.

Friday 12 August 2016

You won't be mine for long.

This is to do with a relationship I was in, in late 2011-2012.

I was 21, young, naive & in love (thought I was) However, I was also in a relationship with someone while I was in America. I met him before I left & continued dating while I was away. Around December 2011, I was in Los Angeles staying at The Standard Downtown LA Hotel. I had only been there for a week & during that week, I had a dream. In this dream, I had dreamt that will be a girl who will come in-between my boyfriend & I. In shock, I woke up & tried to shake it off but the feeling stuck there. When I called my boyfriend who was in Australia later that day, I told him about this dream & he laughed it off saying: "No one is going to come in between us." But yet I still couldn't shake the feeling. So I just let it be.

A couple of weeks later, I had come back from Las Vegas & stayed at my aunt's place in Utah. While I was sleeping, I had the sudden urge to wake up & to check my Facebook, it was as if someone told me: "Wake up."  So I did & to my surprise, a girl has put up photos of him, with his arm around another girl. I saw these pictures before my so called "boyfriend" took them down. The day before I was due to fly back to Australia, he messaged saying that things won't work out.

I arrived back home & I messaged him saying: "Did you cheat?" He replied with: "No but I was starting to have feelings for someone else." & what do you know? It was the girl he had his arm around. This is what my dream was telling me.

It is quite important to pay close attention to certain signs etc. It could help you understand what is about to happen and to prepare yourself.

Saved from what could've been the worst.

This is written based on actual events.

It was 2009. I was 19. I had finished work that afternoon & was at home scrapbooking. I wanted to buy more things & thought it would be great to walk to the closest store which was down the road. It's about a 30 minute walk, depending on your pace. So I walked, the weather was perfect, not too hot yet not too cold either. I arrived, got what I needed but then was starting to feel hungry. There was a take-away store, one store over so I ordered some chips with gravy. I sat down to eat & noticed a guy (in his late 20's) looking at me while pacing up & down infront of me, talking on the phone. He had a strong accent & was talking in an arabic language. In the amount of time I sat there, I studied this guy. The way he looked at me, how he walked, his tone of voice, where to go if things were to happen. I then heard a voice telling me to get up, grab my things & start heading home. There wasn't anyone near me or behind me but it felt like I was prompted to get out of there immediately. Without hesitation, I started to pack my food & things & then I saw him sit down at the table across from mine, facing me. I quickly got up & started to walk. He saw me & quickly got up & stood infront of me, blocking me from walking away from him. He asked me: "Where are you going?" I said: "I've got to go, my brother is waiting for me." (I stated that so he knew that a guy was waiting for my return) He continued to ask me questions but I avoided eye contact & started searching for a place to run to & my next move if things got out of hand. He asked if I had a boyfriend? I lied & said I did. He asked for my number & I politely declined giving it out, trying not to come off rude as I don't know how dangerous this person could be. He was still blocking my way & as I was still trying to make my way out, I prayed & asked God to watch over me in the situation & help me get out of harms way. I looked at this man & was able to move past him & started walking away as fast as I can.
As I walked, I kept looking behind me to make sure I wasn't followed.

I made it home safely.

I thanked God above for delivering me out of a situation which could've been something bad if I never listened to that voice that told me to get out of there straight away. This is why it's important to listen carefully to the promptings/warnings or even your instincts. Most importantly. Pray.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Terrorist Attack - Paris Attack [France] November 13th 2015

This is a recollection of a dream that took place the night before the actual event. It was a public shooting. 2 dreams, 2 different nights.

In this dream,
I was in a public place with my son & my mom. We were heading to the car, just about to leave when I spot a gunman coming out of an alley way & shooting around. Everyone was running for cover, looking for a place to go and hide. I quickly got my son & mom into the car and sped off. I was followed. I ended up being at home with my brother & his girlfriend and my son. My mom drove to go get my dad and then come home. Somehow, I ended up having to hide as we tried to fight off our attackers who ended up shooting my brother & his girlfriend. He found my son & I and told me to put my head down. I cradled my son, crying and said a prayer as I knew, this was it. I heard him pull the trigger & felt the gun shot to my head.

I woke up. In agony. My head actually felt that bullet. I had a really sore head. I couldn't sleep as I was terrified at what I just witnessed. I quickly looked over and saw my son & just hugged him tightly & then I fell asleep again. Then woke up at 6am.

I had an ultrasound to attend that morning, so I had a shower, got ready and off we went. The whole entire time, something didn't sit well with me. I knew something was wrong & was about to happen. On our way to the ultrasound, I bursted into tears as I told my mother of what I had dreamt & she said: "Maybe, somethings going to happen or already has." But the whole entire day, I was unsettled.

That night, I dreamt again..
I was with my best friend, in-between crossfire between terrorist & police. We were on the streets, we just returned from a night out heading home. We hid behind grass and buildings as we watched in horror of the horrific events happening before us. We ran from one building to the next to escape the side the terrorists were on. Suddenly. I woke up again. It was early morning, 6am.

I checked my Facebook & saw that Paris was under attack. I quickly ran and turned the tv on & sat there in tears as I watch it all unfold. It never is an easy thing to dream horrific events, never easy also to know you can't do much about it.

Dream: Public shooting (1st Dream)

Report: Cafe shooting/ Concert shooting - all different areas in France

Dream: Crossfire between terrorist & police (2nd dream)

Report: Shooting between terrorists & police/Concert shooting

Thursday 13 August 2015

A drunk on the train tracks - 2009/10 [Europe Region]

This is a recollection of a dream that I had in 2009/2010. I was living in Queensland, Australia.

In this dream, I was standing on the train tracks, with this man, he looked a bit rough. I was screaming at him that an oncoming train was coming & he needed to get off the tracks immediately. No matter how hard I screamed & yelled, he wasn't listening & just ignored me. I saw 2 men on the platform coming towards us & they were also trying to get his attention & warn him of the train that was heading his way, they offered him his hand but he ignored them as well. I heard the train coming & I was crying as I continued to try warn him that he needed to get back up on the platform, the train is going to hit him. As the train came closer, I woke up. I was shaking from being afraid & upset that I was about to see someone get run over by a train. I couldn't go back to sleep. That morning, I explained to my mom what I had dreamt about & was so afraid about. She said: "Watch the news, if it isn't happening here, it's happening somewhere else."

So later that evening, I turned on the t.v to the 5pm news & there you have it, somewhere in another country, half way around the globe from where I am, was a drunk man on the train tracks, ignoring the ones who are telling him to get off the tracks. Thankfully, just before the train arrived, he was saved by 2 officers.

Dream: Man on train tracks, 2 men coming to help, Man ignored my warnings & didn't seem to care. 

Report: Man on train tracks, 2 men come to aid him. Ignored all warnings because he was drunk.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Seeing her after she had passed - 2012 [Visitation Dream]

A recollection of a dream from April 2012. An encounter with someone who had passed. I am writing this 3 years from when I had this dream and I can still remember everything clearly.

My aunt passed away on March 28th 2012. Before she had left this Earth, she checked her program for her family service/funeral etc. We sung her the songs that will be sung on her day & she appointed each of us to a calling. Then on the night of March 28th, she passed away.

Days after her passing as we were preparing her last day, there were family issues between both families which resulted in a feud as the program that she had set out & approved of, was suddenly changed. This caused such heartache to her remaining sisters & those she confided in. Then we were sitting in our lounge room & two beautiful butterflies that we've never seen before, flow past our window making it visible for us to see them. They were chasing each other. It brought smiles to our faces & lightened up our hearts. Though there were things going on but as we promised her, we were still going to give her the day she deserves, so we pushed those feelings aside & continued. Though our hearts were saddened, her day turned out great (people still talk about it to this day) We gave her a funeral that was fit for a queen.

A day or two later, I was in my bedroom & I fell into a deep sleep. My brother said to me that he tried to wake me up to go with him & mom for a drive but I wouldn't wake up. In this dream, I was outside at the car park when the hearse pulled up with my aunt's coffin inside. As the boys (pall bearers) were bringing her casket out of the car, I looked and saw my aunt sitting up from her coffin. I walked towards her and said: "Aunty, Aunty!" and she looked and smiled. I then followed the pall bearers all the way up to the chapel. As we were walking her coffin into the chapel, we pass a hallway which was full of church members on both sides that we knew and who knew her. As they wheeled her through, she was looking around smiling at everyone & when I looked at her, she was smiling and had one hand on top of someone else's hand walking beside her. I looked at up to see who she was smiling at & it was her son Paul (who died in 2003) As they almost get to the chapel, I looked back to see her and she was gone. I ran and started searching for her in the foyer & then I see her, running around happily, dancing freely. I asked her if she wanted to see my mom, she looked at me, smiled, gave me a kiss on the cheek & ran back. I followed her & said: "No, aunty, where are you going?" with tears in my eyes because in my heart I knew where she was going and by the time I caught up, she was back lying down in her coffin. Once she went back into her coffin. I woke up.

I took this dream as a way of her coming to me in spirit to say that she's happy where she is, that she's with her son Paul & that she is proud of how we did her final days regardless of what was happening. She came to say thank you & the butterflies we saw that I mentioned above, was her and nanna coming to share a little laughter & to make us smile even though we were upset with the drama that was happening at the time.